By Lisa Chandler, 16 May, 2023

My friend and gym coach Matt Cormier introduced me to this “fun scale” the other day. I believe it can apply to everything in life. 

Workouts with him are a 2 much of the time, but can certainly tip into 2.5! I am very grateful for this type of “fun,” as I am much stronger for it. 

And I can claim to have swung 6200 lbs of kettle bell yesterday. 

By Lisa Chandler, 9 May, 2023

Modern engineering and beautiful design in front of what was once modern engineering and still is beautiful design. 

Peter’s Brampton bicycle in front of old radiator.
By Lisa Chandler, 8 May, 2023

Yesterday was the second anniversary of Olivia’s coming out as a trans woman. I did not know her as Oliver. I met her about six months after she came out.

I feel grateful to her for all I have learned since meeting her. And I felt happy making her a cake somewhat resembling the transgender flag. 


She has a family that fully embraces her. They showed up on Zoom to mark her anniversary and remind her of their support. 

And there is no one more unconditionally loving than Olivia herself (and her father). I want to remember this in times less celebratory.  

By Lisa Chandler, 6 May, 2023

This is both clever and beautiful.  I cannot give credit as I saw the photo online but it was not credited.  

Sofa with cat scratches and same sofa fixed with embroidery.

Reminds me of a Leonard Cohen art exhibit in Montreal that I loved called A Crack in Everything. 

By Lisa Chandler, 5 May, 2023

One of these flowers is not like the others.  

Bouquet of flowers

It’s hard to pick out which one it is. This photo gives it away.  I just got it at The Farmacy and Fermentary.  $12 for this piece of artistry that will bring me joy each time I look at it   

Beeswax flower candle

Thank you, Honey Hurst.

Business card for Honey Hurst