A Nudge From The Nest

By Lisa Chandler, 6 June, 2024

It is the first time in a very long while that I have taken myself on the road. Life with a small child and a business made it tricky. Then life in a newly blended family made it even trickier. 

Peter nudged me toward it. I was initially daunted by the idea and resisted a little, almost in a self sabotage kind of way. “I don’t even know where to go or what to do!” I came up with a myriad of reasons why I shouldn’t spend money and why I didn’t deserve it.  I also judged myself for not knowing what to do with the offered time. 

I’m the end I took an easy path and delivered myself to Halifax to see my family and a close friend. I was missing them. 

Last night we had a fantastic BBQ supper on their deck. My brother Tim barbecues like an engineer (=precision deliciousness) and my sister-in-law Natasha is the best chef I know. 

Me and my brother Tim with trees in the background.

It’s been perfect. I am sinking in. And I am so grateful for this time that Peter nudged me toward.