Peter mapped his last trail today. He’s mapped over 60 trails for this Island Trails project. I said we should celebrate him. He asked if I could make lunch in the form of PEI. I could and did, using lettuce.

This has me thinking of Prabha who landed safely back home in India today. Before she left, I had asked her what PEI foods she might miss while at home this summer. Her first answer: cheese. Then she thought for a bit more and said, “Also letoose. We don’t have letoose in India.” We both giggled. When Prabha first arrived and we’d made her salad for the first time, she’d pronounced it “let-oose”. The pronunciation is so cute it has stuck.
As a related note, perhaps for the right farmer (Wade Beaton!) there might be a very large market for letoose in India? I suspect the appetite for PEI lettuce maps is decidedly smaller. Though I do know one Indian who’d love it.